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The Department of Food Science and Technology holds Undergraduate in Food Technology, Masters in Food Technology and Food Science, and Doctor in Food Science programs. We have approximately 450 undergraduate students and a hundred Masters and Doctorate students per year studying in various areas of food science. Our undergraduate and graduate students come from almost all provinces in Indonesia. More than 4,000 of our alumni are working in various food-related sectors in our country and abroad.

The Department employs 40 teaching Faculty from different educational background and specialties (food chemistry, food microbiology, food processing, food engineering, food packaging, food safety, food analysis, flavor chemistry, risk analysis, sensory analysis, quality assurance, biotechnology and bioprocessing, food biochemistry and nutrition, food toxicology, etc).

The Department has achieved excellence in teaching and research and for securing high quality incoming students. The Department is proud of its faculty research performance, curricula, educational process, graduate performance, internal management and organization, and the creation and expansion of collaboration with government and food industries nationally and internationally.

Since 2001, our Food Technology Undergraduate Program has adopted the food science curriculum recommended by the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT). On July 21, 2010, the IFT Higher Education Review Board (HERB) approved our undergraduate program as complying the IFT Undergraduate Education Standards for Degrees in Food Science. Our program has the distinction of being the first program outside of North America approved by IFT. In 2013, our Food Technology Program has also received international recognition from International Union of Food Science and Technology (IUFoST).

Teaching Facilities

The Department of Food Science and Technology is located in two adjacent buildings (Faculty building and SEAFAST Center building) at Darmaga Campus and covers approximately 163,200 ft2 of space. Within these buildings, the faculties and undergraduate students have access to teaching equipment, classrooms, libraries, information center, laboratories, instruments, analytical equipment, food processing equipment and pilot plant. The DFST-IPB is situated close to IPB central library and Agricultural Technology Information Center (ATIC) of FAET. Several teaching and research facilities are located in SEAFAST Center. However, students and faculty have full access to SEAFAST facilities because they are established as shared facilities. The facilities located in F-Technopark are under the management of FAET but fully accessible for the teaching and learning activities of the department.

Classroom and Teaching Equipment
Teaching activities i.e. lecture, seminar, discussion, presentation and distance learning are conducted in classrooms under the Bogor Agricultural University management. There are fifteen classes usually used for teaching activities, which is located in FAET building and SEAFAST Center. The classrooms are permanently equipped by LCD projectors and desktop computers. White board, permanently-installed LCD screen, and other teaching equipment are available in all classes. One of the classes is specifically designed for Distance Education (DE). The dedicated DE class is located in SEAFAST Center, equipped with 26 desktop computers for interactive distance learning and facilities for video conference.

Research Facilities
Graduate students have access to research laboratory facilities in the Department of Food Science and Technology, including food chemistry laboratory, food microbiology laboratory, food biochemistry and human nutrition laboratory, food processing and engineering laboratory, sensory laboratory and food processing pilot plant. The laboratories provide sophisticated equipment for analysis, such as GC, GCMS, HPLC, AAS, DNA sequencer, Electrophoresis, Ultra filtration, Polarization Microscopes, Rancimat, Rheometer, PCR, Pulsed NMR, fermentor rheomat, Stevens LFRA Gel Tester, fluorometer, rheology equipment (texturometer, viscometer, texture analyzer, RVA, Farinograph, and Extensograph), colorimeter, double beam spectrophotometer UV-Vis, freeze drier, etc.

Research in the Department is also supported by food processing pilot plants in SEAFAST Center and F-Technopark with various food processing equipment, such as thermal processing line (HTST, batch pasteurizer and retort), bakery processing line, meat processing line, starch extraction line, noodle processing line, oil extraction line, sugar extraction line, tea processing line, tofu processing line, fermentor, extruder, ice cream maker, drum drier, spray drier, tunnel drier, automated fluidized bed drier, vacuum fryer, and supercritical fluid extractor.

Students may also explore diverse interests at academic library in Central Library, Food Science Library at SEAFAST Center, and Agricultural Technology Information Center at Faculty of Agricultural Technology. The libraries collect latest English textbooks, international peer-reviewed journals and journal abstract (FSTA) in the area of food science, technology and human nutrition.

Laboratories and Pilot Plant
There are 14 laboratories located in the Department and SEAFAST Center facilitating teaching and research activities. Laboratories in the Department are classified as research and teaching laboratories for Food Chemistry, Food Biochemistry, Food Process Engineering, Food Microbiology, and Food Analysis, each with capacity for up to 30 students. For research purposes, some students and faculty members also use SEAFAST Center laboratories (Food Quality and Safety, Food Product Development and Engineering laboratories). Each laboratory is capable to accommodate up to 20 students per batch.

Some pilot plants are also available to conduct research and laboratory work, especially in the food processing area. The pilot plants are equipped with processing machinery and equipment that are regularly utilized for integrated food processing laboratory course, which is designed to mimic a miniaturized yet complete food industry model.

Libraries and Information Center
DFST-IPB is mainly supported by the IPB Central Library and Agricultural Technology Information Center located at FAET. The libraries provide information and variety of literatures in the food science and technology as well as agricultural technology and other relevant subjects.

Internet and Computer Facilities
The whole IPB Darmaga Campus is connected to internet by Local Area Network (LAN) and Metropolitan Area Network (MAN). In most of the campus area, internet facilities are accessible through Wireless Access Point (WAP). At the university level, various licensed software are available including dBase, Clipper, Visual Basic, ASP/PHP, MS-SQL Server 7.0, MySQL, MS Office, and others. IPB also provides students dedicated computers to access internet (cyber facilities) located in some spots in campus.

In addition to the wireless internet connection available, access to computers and internet for students is also provided by computer laboratory. The laboratory is equipped with 30 computers, scanners, printers, servers, licensed software (windows, statistics, etc.) and internet connection.


In the food technology program, students learn the application of food science to the selection, preservation, processing, packaging, distribution, and use of safe, nutritious, and wholesome food.  Bachelor Program of Food Technology is designed to produce food technologist graduates with competencies in all aspects of production, processing, and management in food industries and other food-related sectors, including as entrepreneurs. We consistently train and educate students to become graduates capable of working and performing well in food-related industries, government institution or entrepreneurs.

Our defined Program Outcomes allow us to consistently train and educate students to become graduates capable of working and performing well in food-related industries, government institution or entrepreneurs. The graduates may take positions in the area of food production, food ingredient supply, food research and development, food process engineering, food quality, and safety system, food analysis, and quality control, regulatory affairs, food marketing, etc.

Graduate Competencies

The Food Technology Study Program of IPB University is designed to produce graduates capable of effectively working in food sectors, such as in food industries, government institutions or as entrepreneurs. The graduates may take positions in the area of food production, food ingredient supply, food research and development, food process engineering, food quality and safety system, food analysis and quality control, regulatory affairs, food marketing, etc. The growth of food industries in Indonesia and globally provides a wide opportunity for food technology graduates to work in this area. They play significant roles to ensure that the processed foods produced by food industries are safe and have the best quality for consumers. Graduates also may further study for a Master degree to work in higher education or research institutions.

The graduate competences of the Food Technology Program has fulfil  the Indonesia National Qualification Framework (INQF) for undergraduate program as follows:

1.     Graduates are capable of applying science, technology and art within her/his expertise and able to adapt to various situations

2.     Graduates can master general and specific theoretical concepts of specific knowledge and are capable of formulating problem-solving procedures

3.     Graduates are capable of making strategic decisions based on the information and data analysis

4.     Graduates are responsible for her/his own job for achieving the organization’s goals

IFT Program Goals
FST program meets the IFT program goal as follow:
1. Graduates are competent in core areas of food science.
2. Graduates can integrate and apply their knowledge.
3. Graduates are proficient communicators.
4. Graduates demonstrate professionalism and leadership skills

Program Learning Outcomes

In general, graduates of the Food Technology Study Program have competence in designing the process of adding value to food by applying the principles of food science, technology and management by integrating various operating units to produce safe and quality food products. Based on the Indonesian National Qualification Framework (INQF), undergraduate graduate competencies must meet three aspects of competency, namely (1) aspects of ability in the field of work; (2) aspects of the scope of work based on knowledge possessed; and (3) aspects of attitude and responsibility. Competencies of food technology graduates are formulated in the description of the study program learning outcomes (program learning outcomes as follows: After completing the food technology program, the graduates will:

1.     have knowledge of food science principles (chemistry and food analysis, food microbiology, food safety, food engineering and processing, food biochemistry and nutrition and applied food science including sensory science, quality assurance, and food laws and regulations).

2.     be able to apply the principles of food science and technology holistically to produce safe and quality foods.

3.     be able to communicate orally and in writing related to technical and non-technical aspects of food production.

4.     be able to think critically, solve problems, be responsible for his/her work independently, and make appropriate decisions based on the available information.

5.     be able to think critically, solve problems, be responsible for his/her work independently, and make appropriate decisions based on the available information.

6.     be able to work in a team with different backgrounds, adaptive, and responsive to the different situations.

7.     Committed to professionalism and ethical values.

Career Prospective
The growth of food industries both nationally and globally provides a great opportunity for food technology graduates to work in this area. They play significant roles to ensure that the processed foods produced by food industries are safe and in best quality for consumers. The Food Technology graduates are capable of working in food and food-related industries, government institutions, as well as working as an entrepreneur. The graduates may take positions in the area of food production, food ingredient supply, food research and development, food process engineering, food quality and safety system, food analysis and quality control, regulatory affair, food marketing, etc. Food Technology Gradates also may continue his/her study to Master and Doctorate degree to work in higher educations or research institutions. More than 80% of our fresh graduates are working in food related industries as mentioned above.

There are many different potential scholarships for eligible students to apply.  One of the many different schemes of scholarship includes ASEAN International Mobility for Students (AIMS) programs.  Through this program, students have opportunity to spend one semester of their study in partner universities abroad.  Approximately 15 scholarships are available annually.

In a global competition era, food products from Indonesia must be able to compete with other food products from other countries. To achieve this, national food industries must be capable of producing safe and high quality food products that meet international standard, such as ISO 9000 and HACCP. This means that food industry sector is challenged to transform itself to become knowledge-based food industries. This transformation process requires supports of human resources (employees/ professionals) that are not only capable of planning, developing, and managing food industry professionally but also understanding in the field of food science and technology. To support the development of quality system, nutrition and national food safety, government also needs professionals with competence in food technology and food safety, which will involve in food quality and safety supervision, the development of policy concept in food areas.

The Master of Food Technology is offered to answer the need of food industry to employ professionals understanding in food processing areas. The program is open for professionals in food industries and governmental officers. It is compulsory that students of Master Program have been working for at least two years in food industry/government institution. After graduation, Master graduates will have competence in food technology areas including food processing, food packaging, food storage, food product development, food quality assurance and food safety.

Graduate students may explore many diverse interests at academic library in Central Library, Food Science Library at Center for Food and Nutrition Study, and Agricultural Technology Information Center at Faculty of Agricultural Technology. The libraries collect latest textbooks (ISBN), international peer-reviewed journals and journal abstract (FSTA) in the area of food science, technology and human nutrition.

Selection of Academic Supervisor
Each student should select major supervisor for final project. The supervisor should represent the academic areas required for successful completion of the student’s work. With the direction of major supervisor, student may also select on advisory committee members. Additional information on the procedure of selection of supervisor and advisory committee members may be found in the Graduate School Website.

Research Project (Thesis)
The topic of research project must be approved by the student’s major supervisor and advisory committee members. The student conducts the project and prepares the thesis under the direction of the major supervisor. Students are required to have a minimum of 8 credits hours of research project. It is compulsory for students to publish a scientific paper in a national peer-reviewed journal before final examination.

Further Information
Information and application form can be obtained at:

  • IPB Postgraduate School, Andi Hakim Nasoetion Building 5th flour, Darmaga IPB Campus, Bogor 16680. Phone: 62-251-8622640, Fax. 62-251-8622986
  • Dr. Nurheni Sri Palupi, Head of Food Technology Study Program, Department of Food Science and Technology IPB. Darmaga IPB Campus, PO Box 220 Bogor. Phone/Fax: 0251-8626725. E-mail: dfst@ipb.ac.id, hnpalupi@yahoo.com

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